# Targets

Targets are how Gemforge deploys knows how to deploy your contracts.

Each target must specify a network and wallet to use for deployment.

This means you can deploy multiple instances of your Diamond to the same network, where each instance is represented by a different target.

// gemforge.config.cjs
module.exports = {
  targets: {
    // Target named "local"
    local: {
      // Network to deploy to
      network: 'local',
      // Wallet to use for deployment
      wallet: 'wallet1',
      // Initialization method arguments
      initArgs: []
      // OPTIONAL - CREATE3 salt. If empty or ommitted a random SALT is used.
      create3Salt: '0x...'
    // Target named "testnet"
    testnet: {
      // Network to deploy to
      network: 'sepolia',
      // Wallet to use for deployment
      wallet: 'wallet2',
      // Initialization method arguments
      initArgs: [],
      // OPTIONAL - CREATE3 salt. If empty or ommitted a random SALT is used.
      create3Salt: '0x...'
      // OPTIONAL - Configuration for upgrades
      upgrades: {
        // Whether Gemforge should skip the diamondCut() call so that it can be done manually.
        manualCut: true

The wallet value must refer to a valid, defined wallet. The initArgs value is only valid if you are customizing the initialization of your diamond.

To deploy contracts to one of the specified targets simply use its name with the deploy command. For example, to deploy to the testnet target:

gemforge deploy testnet

# CREATE3 salt

The create3Salt value is a "0x" prefixed hex string of length 66 that is to be used for keyless CREATE3 deployments of the Diamond proxy contract.

By setting this value you can ensure that your Diamond proxy contract is always deployed to the same address as long as the deployment wallet and salt value remain unchanged. And by using the same wallet and salt for every deployment target you can ensure that all deployments to all targets (and thus chains) are at the same address, making managing omni-chain deployments easy.

If the salt value is empty or ommitted then Gemforge will create a random salt to use, meaning that fresh deployments of your Diamond proxy will always be at different addresses.

Note: Only the Diamond proxy contract is deployed using CREATE3. Facet contracts are deployed normally.

# Upgrades configuration

When upgrading an existing Diamond, you may - for security reasons - wish to perform the final upgrade call manually instead of having Gemforge do it automatically. For example:

  • You wish to double-check the effect of an upgrade prior to running it in production.
  • You changed the owner of the deployed Diamond to be a multisig wallet.

To enable this, the upgrades property can be set:

  targets: {
    // Target named "main"
    main: {
      upgrades: {
        // Whether the diamondCut() call will be done manually.
        manualCut: true

By setting manualCut to true Gemforge will not call diamondCut() but will instead output the raw transaction data so that you can call it yourself. It will look something like this in the console output:

GEMFORGE: Outputting upgrade tx params and skipping actual tx call...

GEMFORGE: ================================================================================

GEMFORGE: Diamond: 0x3351cb6fD12655854DDAa85b0D9857d3e20a1310

GEMFORGE: Tx data: 0x1f931c1c0000000...00000000000000000

GEMFORGE: ================================================================================